
A Running Fuel Delivery Service Company is Available for Sale in Kerala. It is from last 1 year and taking online orders. The Company is into the diesel delivery service which provide doorstep to those who wish to get inorder to avoid spillage and waste of fuel, money, manpower and time. They also provide such as services like oil change, washing , tyre change,battery change and filter change to all the 4 wheller vehicles. They have a capacity of filling 3 vehicle at a time with 6 kl each and there are 6 employees working with this service provider company.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business

Running Profitable

Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


Describe Property

The Company is operating from Kerala and this is service provider company giving all their services online .

Competition / Market

Yes,they have competition in the market .

Products & Services

the Company is into the diesel delivery service which provide doorstep.

Growth Potential

Yes,they have growth potential.

Reason For Sale

Personal Reason.

Financial Details

Contact Business