
A 35-40-year-old Chandigarh Based Mini Mart is available for sale. The area of the mini mart is 72 sq. ft. As the store is located at a prime location so we have commendable footfall which gives us reasonable revenue. We have a very good customer base and a positive reputation. This Business required good Management skills. We have 300 customers who purchase monthly groceries. Our product range includes a wide range of milk products from well-reputed brands and grocery items. We have an inventory of Rs 10-Rs15 Lac Lac. The daily Sale of mini mart through only Milk products is Rs50,000-Rs55,000 and the total daily sale is Rs1Lac per day.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business

Running Profitable

Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


Describe Property

The area of the mini market is 72 sq. ft.

Competition / Market

very few

Products & Services

Our product range includes a wide range of milk products from well-reputed brands and grocery items.

Growth Potential

This Business required good Management skills.

Reason For Sale


Financial Details

Listing Details : LB-11759

Asking Price 1 Crs
Turnover 1 Crs
Legal Entity Proprietorship
Category Retail
Sub Category Supermarket
Business Listed By Business Broker

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