
A 3 year old Highway Project Material supply company Looking For investment .We are into material supply used in manufacturing of Highways. We have completed many projects earlier ,but it was along with a highway construction company. Now we have no longer tie-up with them .We have owned 5 commercial vehicles for the supply of material to the site and has 12-15 drivers. We have a new project in hand where we have to supply the raw material ,it is a new project started named as Ganga expressway. The highway is constructed between Meerut and Allahabad. We want investment to expand our Business for supplying of raw material we need more vehicles and working capital to supply the raw material.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Purpose of Joint Venture

Financial ()

Role of New Partner


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


Describe Property

Work from home

Proposed Deal Structure

we want an investment of rs 10Cr for 50% equity.

Competition / Market

many competitiors

Products & Services

highway project

Growth Potential

high growth

Financial Details

Contact Business