
We are in the business of Tempo on hire, we provide logistic services and want to open our own courier service platform. We have started our functioning in 2019 as a housekeeping products company later on we switched to a Logistic service provider company. We cater in Thane, Pune, Mumbai, Nashik, and major parts of Maharashtra, our USP is delivering the goods the same day. We have 4 commercial vehicles, We serve in the Corporate sector and in Retailing sector also, Currently, we are serving in B2B and B2C sectors we have 100 clients' databases.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Purpose of Joint Venture

Financial ()

Role of New Partner


Property Type


Rental per Month


Proposed Deal Structure

discuss later.

Competition / Market

Very rare.

Products & Services

we provide logistic services

Growth Potential

we provide logistic services and want to open our own courier service platform.

Financial Details

Contact Business