
A fifty years old manufacturing unit of high precision moulds and press tools & spares is available for sale. The land area of the unit is 815 Sq.m and the built-up area is 22000 sq.ft. They are into design and manufacturing of vertical an horizontal injection moulds and progressive press tools. They are also into CNC machined components, jigs and fixtures. It has 110 Ton Hydraulic injection moulding machine and in house press tool trial facility. They are currently supplying to electrical, electronics, automobile, medical industries. They have a client base of 15.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business

Running Profitable

Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value

11 Crs

Property Classification


Describe Property

The land area 8777 Sq.ft and the built-up area is 22000 sq.ft .

Competition / Market


Products & Services

Design and manufacturing of injection mould-vertical and horizontal. Design and manufacturing of progressive press tools mould- core and cavity Press tool- Die and punch CNC machined component jigs and fixtures.

Growth Potential

High Growth potential as already have a client base of 15

Reason For Sale

Relocation of the owner

Financial Details

Contact Business