
A Reputed CBSE School in Tamil Nadu is for sale. School is under a Hindu Educational Trust.Total area is 72000+(Main school+ 11000+ Primary School) Total around 12 Acres.Play ground has Gallery Facility additional to that an open Air Auditorium available. It is affiliated to Central Board. 3 Computer Lab,Gym, Musical Instrument,Art Available. When school was in Peak time No of students ranged between 2900-2700. Currently Its only around 800 students. The school has provided other basic facilities to the students and has a good reputation in the education industry.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value

180 Crs

Property Classification


Describe Property

Reputed CBSE School with Acres of Land in different part of Tamil Nadu

Competition / Market

Other Schools

Products & Services

Educational Institution

Growth Potential

Lots of scope additionally can give Franchise

Reason For Sale

Owner has retirement plans

Financial Details

Contact Business