Listing Details : LB-13841

Asking Price 6.5 Crs
Turnover 6 Crs
Legal Entity Proprietorship
Category Manufacturing
Sub Category Oil & Gas
Business Listed By Business Owner


This Oxygen Plant is located in Indore running for the last 8 years. We source liquid oxygen from Maharashtra only and then we convert it into gas form and sell it using an oxygen cylinder. The plant has a high rate of return, the expenses are also not much. Our filling capacity is around 1,000 oxygen cylinders in a day. We have Glass chambers, injector wells, solid-state generators, enormous vacuum chambers, and other apparatus that are all needed in the manufacturing process. We also have all the machinery such as Pumps, battery systems, pressure regulators, and other apparatus running in good condition.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business

Running Profitable

Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


Describe Property

30,000 sqft of total land area 5000 sqft of shed area 4000 sqft of machinery area

Competition / Market

Only Few Competitors are there

Products & Services

Oxygen Plant

Growth Potential


Reason For Sale

Health Issues

Financial Details

Listing Details : LB-13841

Asking Price 6.5 Crs
Turnover 6 Crs
Legal Entity Proprietorship
Category Manufacturing
Sub Category Oil & Gas
Business Listed By Business Owner

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