
An E-Commerce platform having product range of men & women apparels ,all Accessories, Food products, Ayurvedic products, Hair products is available for sale in Vijayawada. The business was started in December 2019. The platform also provides services like booking slots for yoga, exercises and other sports activities. The products are imported from Italy and Germany and available on this platform for sale online broad shipment. All tie ups have been done and its running Profitably.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business

Running Profitable

Business Relocatable


Property Type


Rental per Month


Describe Property

The business was started in December 2019 and it is online operational platform.

Competition / Market

Yes,there is a Competition in the Market.

Products & Services

Products like Apparels, Accessories, Food products, Ayurvedic products, services like booking slots for yoga, exercises and other sports activities.

Growth Potential

Yes, there is a huge Growth.

Reason For Sale

Starting another business.

Financial Details

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