Listing Details : LB-12512

Asking Price 5.5 Crs
Turnover 22 Crs
Legal Entity Proprietorship
Category Wholesale & Distribution
Sub Category Distributors
Business Listed By Business Owner


Authorized Distributoriship business of a very well known and reputed Beverages is available for takeover in NCR. Its running since 9 years and has a warehouse of 1000 sqyd with 50% built up, The rental of the warehouse is Rs.50,000/- monthly. The Parent brand has multiple sub-brands in different types of beverages having 3o Sku's like water, soft drinks, juices, energy drinks, sodas etc. We have 900 Individual retailers to whom we directly supply. Apart from this we have our own network of 15 dealers. For delivery purposes we have 9 trucks. Our average stock in hand is usually 90 lacs at a given time.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Rental per Month

50 Lacs

Describe Property


Competition / Market

Yes we have some competition

Products & Services

We have a distributorship in Noida. We have brands like water, soft drink, juices and energy drinks etc.

Growth Potential

Very High

Reason For Sale

Has another business which he wants to expand

Financial Details

Listing Details : LB-12512

Asking Price 5.5 Crs
Turnover 22 Crs
Legal Entity Proprietorship
Category Wholesale & Distribution
Sub Category Distributors
Business Listed By Business Owner

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