Listing Details : LB-13915

Asking Price 1.3 Crs
Turnover N.A
Legal Entity Proprietorship
Category Food Product Companies
Sub Category Edible Oil
Business Listed By Business Owner


We have a closed cold pressed oil unit available for sale in Jalgaon. Established five years ago, the unit covers a total area of 1800 square meters, with a built-up area of 1700 square feet. We processed groundnut oil and low-fat peanuts, with a current capacity of 2 tons per day. The unit supplied oil to other businesses and offered third-party manufacturing services. Originally started as a project, we had to close it due to a lack of funds. This unit is now available for sale, offering a great opportunity for those interested in the cold pressed oil business.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


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Competition / Market

Yes we have some competition

Products & Services

We processed groundnut oil and low-fat peanuts, with a current capacity of 2 tons per day. The unit supplied oil to other businesses and offered third-party manufacturing services.

Growth Potential

Growth rate is high

Reason For Sale

Don't have funds

Financial Details

Listing Details : LB-13915

Asking Price 1.3 Crs
Turnover N.A
Legal Entity Proprietorship
Category Food Product Companies
Sub Category Edible Oil
Business Listed By Business Owner

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