
A Sugar factory for sale which has been closed from the last one year. The land area of mill is 28 Acres. The installed capacity of the Unit is 5000 TCD at present. This plant can be easily expanded to 7,500 TCD and beyond with reasonable addition of equipment based on the existing cane potential. There is also a scope for putting up a 50 KLPD B Heavy molasses-based distillery in the existing set-up as available. The plant is self-contained with administrative buildings, a godown, a molasses storage facility, a well-equipped colony with guest houses etc. We were supplying are products to Eastern U.P, West Bengal, Assam. We are supplying in size of 50 kg to our clients. The turn over of the factory in 2022 was Rs250Crs.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


Describe Property

28 Acres

Competition / Market


Products & Services

Sugar Factory

Growth Potential

Growth potential is high

Reason For Sale

Less supply of Cane

Financial Details

Contact Business