
Construction Company Available for Sale in Pune. Established in 2002, our company comprises a team of experienced technocrats specializing in various construction services such as waterproofing, sealing of expansion joints, repairs, rehabilitation, and epoxy floor coating. Our commitment to honesty and quality workmanship has earned us a reputable position in the industry. With a strong client base in Maharashtra, our company presents an excellent investment opportunity for entrepreneurs seeking to enter or expand in the construction sector. Our proven track record of delivering high-quality work and our dedication to customer satisfaction make us a reliable choice for prospective buyers looking to acquire a successful construction business in Pune.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


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Competition / Market

Yes we have some competition

Products & Services

Our company comprises a team of experienced technocrats specializing in various construction services such as waterproofing, sealing of expansion joints, repairs, rehabilitation, and epoxy floor coating.

Growth Potential

Growth rate is high

Reason For Sale

Personal Reason

Financial Details

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