
Conveyor & Elevator Chains manufacturing unit is available for sale in Patiala. The company is running since 1974 and into manufacturing all types of conveyor & Elevator Chains and other Material Handling Equipment for Sugar, Cement, Paper, and other Heavy Industries. The plot area of the unit is 700 sq. yards and constructed area of 5040 sq. ft located near to old factory area. In addition to manufacturing high-quality chains, Company undertakes the Design & Fabrication of special purpose Chains and conveyor Systems to suit user requirements. The unit is an OEM supplier and deals with reputed companies for the supply of their product. We do the manufacturing and supplying of Chains but we outsource the Conveyor system. We have a client database of 40 clients in Sugar, Cement, Paper, and other Heavy Industries. We do the manufacturing according to the client's demand.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


Describe Property

The plot area of the unit is 700 sq. yards and constructed area of 5040 sq. ft located near to old factory area.

Competition / Market


Products & Services

Manufacture all types of conveyor & Elevator Chains and other Material Handling Equipment for Sugar, Cement, Paper and other Heavy Industries.

Growth Potential


Reason For Sale


Financial Details

Contact Business