
Job Portal Platform for Sale in Hyderabad. We offer an Integrated Social Networking Platform enabling seamless connection with millions of genuine individuals and companies. Our platform empowers companies to access a unique feature, facilitating the sourcing of millions of authentic resumes worldwide, coupled with the ability to post multiple jobs for free. Currently, our application boasts over 60,000 users. Ideal for businesses seeking a robust job portal solution, our platform provides a user-friendly experience for both individuals and companies, fostering efficient networking and recruitment processes.

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Business Relocatable


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Competition / Market

Yes we have some competition

Products & Services

We offer an Integrated Social Networking Platform enabling seamless connection with millions of genuine individuals and companies. Our platform empowers companies to access a unique feature, facilitating the sourcing of millions of authentic resumes worldwide, coupled with the ability to post multiple jobs for free.

Growth Potential

Growth rate is high

Reason For Sale

Personal Reason

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