Listing Details : LB-11909

Investment Required 8 Crs
Turnover N.A
Legal Entity Private Limited
Category Food Product Companies
Sub Category Frozen Foods
Business Listed By Business Owner


I want to capture the pork meat market of india and abroad. Consumption in india is growing anually at 8% and at present we are importing to meet the demand. Government's target is to increase production through subsidies and start exporting by 2026. We should not miss the opportunity to be a leader in the 270 billion USD market. For this im looking for 8Cr INR to be a global player.

Year of Commencement


No. of Team Members


Current Stage of Startup


Business Relocatable


Purpose of Investment

Working Capital

Investor Role


Previous Investment Infused

Investment Required As

Venture Funds

Proposed Deal Structure

If only equity then 40% for an investment of 8Cr INR. May be equity and debt both. Im open to discussion and negotiation.

Summarize your Idea/Business

To capture indian pork meat market and gradually diversify into mutton, country chicken. And go global in next 5 years

Key Highlights

Unorganized pork market both whole and frozen meat

Future Potential

The future potential is huge as government is importing at present and india is producing only 1% of the global consumption ( 270 billion USD )

Team Overview

I have no active team as i am yet to start operation. But im already in touch with good vetenary doctors and institutions for support and workers are easily available here.

Competition / Market

Current pork market in india is arround 4 nillion USD out of which domestic production is of 2.7 billion USD. Competition is from only small local players. I have the location advantage ad West Bengal is the gateway to the NE market.

Financial Details

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