
Established in the year 2013, Manufacturer of high quality shrimp & fish feed supplements in Aquaculture, Factory area 5000 Sq ft in Vijayawada with monthly Rent of Rs 40000 with 5 employees and a warehouse with an area of 2000 Sq ft in Kaikaluru which is 90 Km away from Vijayawada with an approximate monthly rent of Rs 10000 and having 1 manager. We are having 30 manufacturing raw materials supplied to us from Gujarat, Tamilnadu, Hyderabad, Maharashtra and 35- 40 dealers in Andhra Pradesh. More than 34 Products are Manufactured in our Factory. We have both the finished good stock and with material Stock in our warehouse and factory. Our Monthly production capacity is more than 1 CR. There is a wide range of machinery used in the manufacturing process a one Ton Capacity blender,100Kg double cone blender,400 Ltrs Capacity Stirrer, 400 Ltrs Capacity Homozonizer and Pouch Ceiling Machine.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Rental per Month

50 Thousand

Describe Property


Competition / Market


Products & Services

OUR 34 products segments are into Minerals, Probiotics, Gur Probiotics, Growth Pomoters, Immuno Stimulants, Anti Polutants and Santizers

Growth Potential


Reason For Sale


Financial Details

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