Listing Details : LB-15551

Asking Price 18 Crs
Turnover 12 Crs
Legal Entity Private Limited
Category Food Product Companies
Sub Category Dairy and Milk Processing
Business Listed By Founder


Full plant with modern utilities for Milk Processing and preserving with storage capacity and handling of 50,000 Litres per shift having suitable equipment for Manufacturing of various types of Paneer, Cheese and analogues proprietary products including Mayonnaise and Table spread under central fssai food license in our own brand name is looking for a sale out. The unit has an area of 1 acre on 99 years lease and the constructed area is of 40,000sqft. Currently we are producing 15000lts per shift. For product sales, we have identified channel partners who supply to Horeca in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Chhatisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. We would be closing the year March 25 at a sale of 15 crs. We are open for an equity partner as well who can take this to a level we can do contract manufacturing or get into exports.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business

Running Profitable

Business Relocatable


Property Type


Rental per Month

8 Thousand

Describe Property


Competition / Market

Go Cheese, Milky Mist, and other analogues and milk products manufactures / Price conscious HORECA Segment is present market as competitive advantage of nearby bulk milk supplies

Products & Services

Pasteurised Bulk Milk Pasteurised Skimmed Milk Pasteurised Milk Cream Pasteurised White and Yellow Butter Buffalo and Cow Ghee Malai Paneer Analogues Cottage Cheese Pizza Cheese Block Cheddar Cheese Block Mozzarella Cheese Block Diced Mozzarella and Pizza Cheese Analogues Cheese of all types Mayonnaise Tabel Spread

Growth Potential

Immense, want to get into toll manufacturing for organised and large players for Dairy products like Paneer, Cheese, Mayonnaise, Table spread in first phase expansion and in second phase move to Frozen range for EXPORTS to Middle east, Russia and Africa Markets already getting enquires for same

Reason For Sale

There is lot of scope of expansion in this business which we are not fully able to capitalise.

Financial Details

EBITDA :- 1.1 Crs
PAT :- 65.2 Lacs
Debt :- 4.8 Crs
Contact Business