
Orange Export Company Available for Sale in Nagpur Maharashtra. As everyone knows, Nagpur oranges are the most famous oranges from all over the world. It is 2 years old company. We export our oranges in Dubai and in other countries we have deemed exporters. We also supply our oranges in all over India. We have partnership with farmers. Right now we have 70+ clients. We supply approx 8000 tonnes of oranges in season time. Buyer will get each and every license and clients as well. We are open for joint venture also.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business

Running Profitable

Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


Describe Property


Competition / Market

Yes we have some competitors

Products & Services

We export our oranges in Dubai and in other countries we have deemed exporters. We also supply our oranges in all over India.

Growth Potential

Very High

Reason For Sale

Busy in another business

Financial Details

Contact Business