Investment Required | 5 Crs |
Turnover | N.A |
Legal Entity | Proprietorship |
Category | Education |
Sub Category | Pre-Schools |
Business Listed By | Founder |
To emerge as a Global Leader in Early Childhood Education, Child Care, K-12 & Skill Development segment. We believe that every child who experiences the preschool learning journey will stand out as a confident, unique individual with a strong foundation for primary school and beyond. Excellence in Education. To maintain high expectations and promote academic excellence for all children and create rich, varied experiences in curricular learning that accommodate different learning styles. To ensure that each child will experience optimal social, emotional, academic, and physical success through a challenging and progressive child-centered educational program in a safe and healthy learning environment.To become the Fastest Growing chain of Preschool & K-12 Segment in Asia. We are running 3 schools in Navi Mumbai on a land area of 1.5 acres 20000 sq ft constructed with 18 classrooms With all state govt approval. Recently 100 Students are enrolled with us and we have a teaching staff of 18 teachers.
Others ()
after the discussion.
To emerge as a Global Leader in Early Childhood Education, Child Care, K-12 & Skill Development segment.
To maintain high expectations and promote academic excellence for all children and create rich, varied experiences in curricular learning that accommodate differently learning styles.
Mission 500+ Operational Preschool in Pan India covering 650+ Cities & Town. 10+ ISCE & CBSE Operational K-12 Schools in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh.
5 team members
Very Few
Coaching Centres business opportunity for sale in Maharashtra , Schools business opportunity for sale in Maharashtra , Schools business opportunity for sale in Maharashtra , Coaching Centres business opportunity for sale in Gujarat , Academy business opportunity for sale in Maharashtra , Coaching Centres business opportunity for sale in Maharashtra , Pre-Schools business opportunity for sale in Maharashtra , Pre-Schools business opportunity for sale in Maharashtra
Investment Required | 5 Crs |
Turnover | N.A |
Legal Entity | Proprietorship |
Category | Education |
Sub Category | Pre-Schools |
Business Listed By | Founder |