Listing Details : LB-16360

Asking Price 100 Crs
Turnover 70 Crs
Legal Entity Public Limited
Category Manufacturing
Sub Category PVC Products
Business Listed By Business Owner


A Unit that started in 1994, redeveloped in 2021 We are manufacturer of Pvc Pipes , Hdpe Pipes , swr pipes , Cpvc pipes , Drip irrigations , and all types of fittings related to water. The unit has a total area of 6.5 acres and 2 Lac sqft covered area and additionally has 53 acres of Non Agricultural land. The unit has a capacity of 5000 metric tonnes per month and currently running at 10-12% capacity. The products are distributed in Maharashtra, Chhatisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. The business has a lot of potential and can be scaled at any level. The brand is very well know and has a recall value.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value

45 Crs

Property Classification


Describe Property

6.5 acre lands in MIDC area , 53 acre land of NA LAND

Competition / Market

Competition is there but market is very huge scope , government tenders have very big scope

Products & Services

All pipes and fittings , water tanks

Growth Potential

20% yearly growth

Reason For Sale

Personal reasons

Financial Details

PAT :- 1.4 Crs
Debt :- 13 Crs
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