
A recently closed Register and notebook Stationery manufacturing unit located at Una is available for sale. Total land area of the unit is about 510 sq.mt and the built up area is about 3500 sq.ft. The unit was running on own premises. The unit was in the manufacturing of Copy, register, and files. At present the production has been stopped due to the pandemic but the unit is having all the stock, raw materials, machinery and potential existing clients. The unit were supplying their products to the wholesaler, retailer and distributors at present the is having the good numbers of potential clients.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


Describe Property

Total land area of the unit is about 510 sq.mt and the built up area is about 3500 sq.ft.

Competition / Market

Other business

Products & Services

Copy and register

Growth Potential

one can earn the maximum revenue by infusing the working capital and can also earn the profit through the past clients

Reason For Sale


Financial Details

Contact Business