
A Running fruit drinks manufacturing unit is available for sale in Andhra pradesh and it was established in 2010. The total area of the manufacturing unit is 11,300 Sq.mtrs ( 2.5 acres) and the constructed part is 21,000 sq.ft. It was into trading, supplying and manufacturing of fruit drinks like mango, litchi, apple, pine apple, oranges. It is a partnership firm. There are two lines in the unit One is the Carbonated , Auto filling ,5 tonnes per day with chilling, Fillers with 4 head ( semi auto), a Filler with 8 head (fully auto). The other is the Juice line ( pulp juice like, Maaza, Frooti), UHT with capacity of 5 tonnes per day & manual filling, 8 head semi auto, 8 head cope & 2 Tata ACE auto's.The unit was distributing the Fruit drinks and pulp juice in various parts of Andhra Pradesh & Bangalore.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business

Running Profitable

Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value

2 Crs

Property Classification


Describe Property

The total area of the manufacturing unit is 11,300 Sq.mtrs and the constructed part is 21,000 sq.ft.

Competition / Market

High competiton

Products & Services

Trader, supplier and manufacturer of fruit drinks like mango, litchi, apple, pine apple, oranges.

Growth Potential

Yes,they have growth in future.

Reason For Sale

Personal Reason

Financial Details

Contact Business