Asking Price | 30 Crs |
Turnover | 5 Crs |
Legal Entity | Society/Trust |
Category | Education |
Sub Category | Schools |
Business Listed By | Business Owner |
Running School & College for Sale in Ratlam MP. The school was established in 2016 and the college in 2019. The total land area is 20,903 sqmt. The school's built-up area is 56,000 sqft, while the college's is 17,000 sqft. The school is CBSE affiliated and offers education up to 12th grade. It is coeducational with 1,000 students enrolled. The school features over 60 classrooms, 7 labs, and a hostel with 25 rooms, providing amenities like a mess and common area. Additionally, there is a playground for students. The college is PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) affiliated but is currently closed. It has a capacity for over 300 students and includes 17 classrooms. This property offers a great investment opportunity in the education sector, with well-established facilities and infrastructure.
Yes we have
he school is CBSE affiliated and offers education up to 12th grade. It is coeducational with 1,000 students enrolled. The school features over 60 classrooms, 7 labs, and a hostel with 25 rooms, providing amenities like a mess and common area.
planning to open another university
Schools business opportunity for sale in Madhya Pradesh , Coaching Centres business opportunity for sale in Rajasthan , Pre-Schools business opportunity for sale in Rajasthan , Online Distance Learning business opportunity for sale in Rajasthan , Pre-Schools business opportunity for sale in Rajasthan , Schools business opportunity for sale in Madhya Pradesh , Schools business opportunity for sale in Madhya Pradesh , Colleges/Universities business opportunity for sale in Madhya Pradesh
Asking Price | 30 Crs |
Turnover | 5 Crs |
Legal Entity | Society/Trust |
Category | Education |
Sub Category | Schools |
Business Listed By | Business Owner |