Listing Details : LB-14142

Asking Price 62 Crs
Turnover 1 Crs
Legal Entity Private Limited
Category Travel & Tourism
Sub Category Visa Services
Business Listed By Business Owner


We are based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and our company has expertise in providing visa solutions and ancillary services for more than 95 countries. We have a office registered under this company, having 2200 sq ft of area. We are running very profitable since its inception 3 years ago from now. Along with it, we had raised 2.5 crores via equity funding from international institution. As of now, we have 3000 clients with us including local companies, MNCs and International companies as well. Now, we are expecting a client base of 10,000 till march 2025 and thus we are having exponential future potential with good profitability

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Rental per Month

75 Thousand

Describe Property

We have rental premises.

Competition / Market

Yes, there is some competition

Products & Services

Visa File SOP, University SOP, Appeal letter, Assistance and Submission, All in One

Growth Potential

Potential is huge and We will be achieving at least 3 times the users association by this financial year.

Reason For Sale

Migrating To USA

Financial Details

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