
The Company is a Export Unit - EOU. Engaged in manufacturing of Lever Arch, Binders, Plates, Rings and related products which are used in making of Files and Folders under Stationary Filing products. All the company products are exported and there is no domestic sale. The company owns a huge land , a big building , state of the art plant and machinery . employed around 200 manpower engaged in operations . The company is having a good customers base having relationship from more than a decade.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business

Running Profitable

Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value

55 Crs

Property Classification


Describe Property

Land, Building, Plant & Machinery, Tools, Patents, Moulds, Patterns, Designs, Stock etc.

Competition / Market

Exports Market including USA, UK, Spain, Malaysia, Singapore, Egypt

Products & Services

Lever Arch, Binders, Blades, Plates, Rings used in Files and Folders (documents filing products under stationary products)

Growth Potential

Steady grouth of 3%-5% every year in the Global market

Reason For Sale

Stakeholders are engaged into many business venture , They are unable to look all the business together . Hence exiting from this business.

Financial Details

Listing Details : LB-11438

Asking Price 65 Crs
Turnover 90 Crs
Legal Entity Private Limited
Category Manufacturing
Sub Category Specialized Retail Products
Business Listed By Representative

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