
A Running Fly Ash Bricks Manufacturing unit is available for sale in Maharashtra. The manufacturing unit is operational in total land area of 1800 Sq/Mt and built up area of 3000Sq/Ft.Land is also included in sale. The unit Manufactures ecofriendly bricks by using Fly -ash. Fly Ash bricks are made of fly ash, lime, gypsum and sand. These can be extensively used in all building construction activities similar to that of common burnt clay bricks. The fly ash bricks are comparatively lighter in weight and stronger than common clay bricks. The unit do the production of 10000-12000 bricks per day in a single shift of 8 hours .The capacity of production can be extended to 16000 to 20000 bricks per day if do the production in two shifts of 8 hours each. The manufacturing unit has 8 to 10 regular clients and has tie up with many clients those who has small consumption of product.

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


Current Status of Business


Business Relocatable


Property Type


Property Value


Property Classification


Describe Property

The Total land area of 1800 Sq/Mt and built up area of 3000Sq/Ft.Land is also included in sale.

Competition / Market

Rare Competition

Products & Services

Manufatures ecofriendly bricks by using Fly -ash.

Growth Potential

production can be extended to 16000 to 20000 bricks per day .

Reason For Sale

Owner is having other business want to expand that .

Financial Details

Business Deals
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